I wanted to first and foremost thank everyone who offered their condolences on our recent loss. It’s comforting to know that I have the pleasure of being involved in a homesteading community that not only understands how devastating it is to lose an animal {or many at once}but also knows that something as simple as […]
Category Archives: chickens
Tragedy on the Homestead: Sharing Our Story {And 3 Important Tips for Prevention}
Even as I sit down to compose this article, it doesn’t feel real. I still have a numbness about me, still have dreams that this never happened. But it did. On January the 8th, I set out to do my morning chores. Per my routine, I visited both of the duck houses first. All was […]
Bantams: The “Fun Size” of Chickens!
It’s no secret that I love bantams. I’ve had the true pleasure of having raised them my whole life. As a little girl, my sister and I used to spend hours in the chicken coop, dressing them up in doll clothes. They were our pets and companions and it is because of them that […]
Chickens: Top Breeds for Cold Weather
We’ve already talked winter chicken keeping. And as we face temperatures here of -30 with -50 windchill, causing a state-wide shutdown of all schools in Minnesota on Monday, I start to feel the panic. It’s not “new” news for us- last week we faced temps of much the same. I’m a born and raised Minnesotan. […]
Roosters: A Complete Guide
If you own chickens, chances are you either: (1) Have a rooster, (2) Had a rooster, or (3) Thought about having a rooster. As in most animal instances, roosters are typically flashier than their female counterparts, making them a desirable spectacle for your farmstead. But perhaps fear of having a “mean” rooster around has […]
Eggs: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know {& More!}
Eggs. The delicious, protein-packed little wonder that turns us poultry raisers into daily treasure hunters. We LOVE our eggs. So when a friend of mine posted an article ragging on the United States for being one of the only countries to sell their eggs in a refrigerated section of the grocery store, I decided to […]
The Daily: 11/17/13
“The Daily” is a look at our week here at Yellow Birch Hobby Farm. You can keep up with our photos here and more by “Liking” our Facebook page! Here is our week of November 10th, 2013: Two weeks after losing our cockerel “Aramis” to a predator, this week we had to say another good-bye. […]
Combat the Cold: Let’s Talk Winter Chicken Keeping!
*Updated 1/4/14* Frozen waterers and cooped up cluckers means it’s time to think winter chicken keeping. Quite likely, as the temperature drops, your concern for the comfort and well being of your flock is on the rise. We love our feathered friends, and we want them to be happy. Here are some ways to keep […]
Free-Range Chickens: What is Best for You and Your Flock?
Whether or not to allow your chickens {and other poultry} to free range is a debatable topic, and if you have ever considered it yourself either for your current flock or future flock, there are pros and cons that must be considered against your own personal situation. Pros: 1. Healthy, Natural, Happy It’s a given: […]
The Daily: 11/10/13
Welcome to another week in photos! Here is our week of November 3rd, 2013: {Rifle} Deer Season opened this weekend. And we saw a nice amount of snow to open up the first day. I’ve been bow hunting these past two months {unsuccessfully}, which has really taken its toll on my back. So I for […]