I always feel a little extra trashy when I drag a big old bottle of the world’s cheapest vodka up to the register at the liquor store. There’s this urge to explain myself. “It’s not what you think! I’m not trash, I promise! It’s for extracts. Yes, extracts. No, I don’t actually drink this stuff…honest.” […]
Category Archives: how-to
Rhubarb Butter
Childhood could be summed up in a stalk of rhubarb dipped in sugar. Am I right? I don’t know how I consumed so much of the stuff, paired with store brand bleached white granulated sugar and actually enjoyed it. But I did. And I still love rhubarb. I have a particular affinity for the deep […]
How to Make a Sheepskin Rug
Winter time is project time around these here parts. Our winters are long. Cold. Dark. And did I mention…long? As of right now, despite spring’s arrival on the calendar, we’re still under several feet of snow and seeing below-zero temperatures. But that’s life in my part of the world. And so deal with it we […]
Planning for the Permaculture Garden {Lake Time Magazine Article}
I’m so happy to share that I’ve contributed another garden related article to Minnesota’s own Lake Time Magazine. As spring approaches (well, it is currently snowing outside my window, but we’ll try to keep things positive here), there’s no better time to start thinking about the upcoming gardening season and how you can do it […]
Dry Cured Guanciale
Winter officially arrived in northern Minnesota this weekend, and with it the inevitable desire to stay indoors. It’s the time of year when all I can think about is sleep and food. And because I have 3 small children, sleep is limited. So why not focus on the other option? Which is exactly what I […]
How to Prepare Turkey Feet for Use in Stock
Give me just two minutes and I can explain. You still here? Good. I was worried I’d scared you off with a few harmless little turkey feet. Okay, big. Big turkey feet. Big turkey feet that somewhat resemble dinosaur feet. I get it. They’re not super pretty and yes, feet are gross. We can agree […]
How to Prepare Caul Fat
It’s pig butchering season here on the farm, and with it comes so much excitement, emotion, and inevitably, exhaustion. Those of you who have raised and butchered your own animal, you know that reverent feeling that comes over you during this time. When you hold in your hands a part of that animal, you don’t […]
How to Build a Keyhole Raised Garden Bed
I am endlessly intrigued by interesting and unique ways of approaching the ordinary. Especially when it comes to gardening. You probably know that about me by now. When I was introduced to hugelkultur, my personal perspective on food production was changed forever. It was no longer as simple as sticking a seed into the ground, […]
Pickled Garlic Scapes
I don’t know about you, but I love garlic. Looove it. I love adding it to pretty much everything I cook. I love how the smell lingers on your hands long after you’ve handled it. Some might find that gross. Not I. But what’s more, I really love growing it. I love the fact that […]
Raising Meat Rabbits: Easy Breeding Program for Consistent Food Production
Raising meat rabbits is a really easy way to provide healthy food for your family. And developing a breeding program that fits your family’s needs will enable you to do so on a consistent basis that takes the stress out of both over (and under) production. Today I’d like to show you my very simple […]