Breed Information:
Araucana/Ameraucana/Easter Egger: The Facts
General Information:
Bantams: The Fun Size of Chickens!
Eggs: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know {& More!}
Weird Eggs 101: The Oddities Explained
Fermenting Chicken Feed {The Easy Way}
Free Ranging: What is Best for You and Your Flock?
Preventing Rotten Eggs {What NOT to Feed Your Chickens}
I printed your butchering checklist.. thank you so much! Needed this! But I have a question.. what is the newspaper on the tables for exactly? I don’t understand. Ty so much 🙂
I enjoyed the article on fermenting feed. I start my first batch with a tsp of bread yeast. The chickens love it and it adds nutrients. May God bless you