Pallets are all the rage, aren’t they? In a wide movement of self-sufficiency (and thanks to Pinterest!), pallets have become a hot number, and for good reason. Why? Because you can make a billion things with them! Just type “pallets” into a search at Pinterest and you will be greeted with countless possibilities for every […]
The Chicken Dictionary
Have you ever wondered: What’s a cockerel? What does ‘broody’ mean? What is bloom and what does it have to do with my eggs? And what in the world are wattles?! Here I will clear up not only those questions, but many others as well. If you’re going to own poultry, it helps […]
The Daily: 11/3/13
Welcome to “The Daily”, where we share with you some photos of our week here at Yellow Birch Hobby Farm. Here is our week of October 25th, 2013: This week was a tough one for us; we had a fox attack (luckily I was able to chase him off before he was able to grab […]
{Wild} Baked Apples
It’s all about apples this week on the blog, and today we’re going to be making some Wild Baked Apples. Of course, you’re welcome to use whatever apples you have- but since the apples used in this recipe are on the smaller side, you may have to adjust the ingredients accordingly. {Grab the kids for […]
15 Ways to Use Apple Peels & Cores
A hot topic of late {with being apple season} is what to do with the leftover apple peels and cores? {If you’ve already tried the Canned Apple Pie Filling recipe from my previous post or Homemade Applesauce, you might have found yourself already with a mound of scraps!} Sure, we can always compost them or […]
How-To Monday: Canned Apple Pie Filling
As promised, I’m here today with a how-to on canning apple pie filling. This recipe goes GREAT with my Universal Crisp/Crumb Topping recipe. I don’t know about you, but the stuff that they call “apple pie filling” in the can from the store- not my style. At all. And don’t even get my started on […]
The Daily: 10/26/13
If you’re a fan of our Facebook page, you might be familiar with our album “The Daily”, where we post photos of our daily lives. I thought it would be fun to do a post each week displaying those photos gathered throughout the week here on the blog. I’m a bit of an avid photographer- […]
Breed Focus: Araucana/Ameraucana/Easter Egger: The Facts
I’m going to start doing a breed focus every week (I hope!) here on the blog. My primary focus at first will be chickens and ducks and then we’ll move on to other poultry from there. Sometimes it’s just nice to know the facts before we go ahead and purchase our future flock members and […]
How-To Monday: 5 Easy Steps to Canning {Whole/Halved} Tomatoes
We’re nearing the end of canning season. How do I know this? Because I recently canned a batch of whole tomatoes– which pretty much means I’m tired of dealing with the last of my tomatoes, and the easiest way to take care of them all at once is by canning them whole. Now, I’m not […]
Photos, Updates, and Ramblings
Sometimes I have so many things to share, but not enough about them to create its own post- so here we are today with random photos, thoughts, and updates. Fall is quickly turning into winter with snowfall already seen and accumulations forecasted over these next few days. The chickens and ducks don’t seem to mind […]