I don’t know about you, but me? I LOVE my crisps! Apple Crisp, Rhubard Crisp, Blueberry Crisp- the list goes on…and I’ve finally perfected the perfect crumb topping that works on them all. If you LOVE your crumb topping (and lots of it- none of that skimpy stuff!), this recipe is for you! Universal Crisp/Crumb […]
How-To Monday: Crab Apple Plum Jelly (and some steamer/juicer LOVE!)
Okay, so I cannot say enough how much I love using a steamer/juicer. If you’ve never used one- you need to. Especially if you’re a fan of making jelly, and it is the ideal way to create juice for canning purposes (read all about the pros and cons HERE). What was once a somewhat dreaded […]
How-To Monday: Cleaning Grouse in 3 Easy Steps!
If you are not comfortable with hunting/butchering/processing animals, please avoid this post. I understand there are many out there who disagree with this sort of thing, so consider yourself warned. My family relies on hunting as a form of providing food to support our goal of a self-sufficient lifestyle, and believe we each make our […]
How-To Monday: Canning Homemade Applesauce (+ Apple Butter Recipe)
Welcome! Since we’ve surpassed a good couple of frosts, apple season is well underway in my neck of the woods. And with it comes LOTS of canning- applesauce, apple butter, apple pie filling, apple jelly…so many delicious things underway. So today I’m going to share with you how to make and can your own applesauce! […]
If You Love Something, Set it Free…{Ducks}
I have fond memories from my childhood of raising and releasing Mallards. My mom and her family did the same, so it only seems natural to carry on positive traditions such as this one. In a way, it sometimes feels a little contradictive to our goal of self-sustained living. My brother just last week told […]
How-To Monday: Canning Green Beans (+ Recipe!)
I got to can some late season green beans (with our cold summer, everything was late this year!), so I thought it would be the perfect topic for my how-to today 🙂 Let’s get started! How-To: Can Green Beans(Printable Instructions HERE) According to standard canning guidelines, all vegetables (except for pickled products and acidified tomatoes) […]
Why Chickens? My Top 5 Reasons!
I must admit, of all my animals, my chickens are my favorites. It truly is a thing of joy to watch them running around in the grass, chasing bugs, scratching for treasures, dusting in the dirt, and then come racing toward me when they hear me yell “Here, Chickies!!” to let them know I’ve got […]
How-To Monday: Using a Pressure Canner (& Spaghetti Sauce Recipe!)
So I think I’ve decided that a great way to start out the week is with a how-to every Monday (we’ll see how it goes!). And today I thought I’d start off with some pressure canning since I had my canner out last night and had a chance to snap some pictures while I was […]
{Ponderings}: Thankful for the Little Things
I think that part of living a quiet life is recognizing the need to notice the little things. I have always been someone who can truly just stop in the moment and look at the beauty around me and become almost overwhelmed. I even have a diary entry that I wrote when I was about […]
The ONLY way to preserve fresh sweet corn…
Today I have for you not only a simple way to preserve fresh sweet corn, but- in my opinion- the ONLY way to do so. If you’ve never had REAL sweet corn straight from the farm (I’m not talking grocery store here), you are sorely missing out. It’s amazing. Like sweet sunshine on a cob. […]