How-To Monday: Crab Apple Plum Jelly (and some steamer/juicer LOVE!)

How-To Monday: Crab Apple Plum Jelly (and some steamer/juicer LOVE!)

Okay, so I cannot say enough how much I love using a steamer/juicer. If you’ve never used one- you need to. Especially if you’re a fan of making jelly, and it is the ideal way to create juice for canning purposes (read all about the pros and cons HERE). What was once a somewhat dreaded […]

How-To Monday: Cleaning Grouse in 3 Easy Steps!

How-To Monday: Cleaning Grouse in 3 Easy Steps!

If you are not comfortable with hunting/butchering/processing animals, please avoid this post. I understand there are many out there who disagree with this sort of thing, so consider yourself warned. My family relies on hunting as a form of providing food to support our goal of a self-sufficient lifestyle, and believe we each make our […]

How-To Monday: Canning Homemade Applesauce (+ Apple Butter Recipe)

How-To Monday: Canning Homemade Applesauce (+ Apple Butter Recipe)

Welcome! Since we’ve surpassed a good couple of frosts, apple season is well underway in my neck of the woods. And with it comes LOTS of canning- applesauce, apple butter, apple pie filling, apple jelly…so many delicious things underway. So today I’m going to share with you how to make and can your own applesauce! […]

How-To Monday: Canning Green Beans (+ Recipe!)

How-To Monday: Canning Green Beans (+ Recipe!)

I got to can some late season green beans (with our cold summer, everything was late this year!), so I thought it would be the perfect topic for my how-to today 🙂 Let’s get started! How-To: Can Green Beans(Printable Instructions HERE) According to standard canning guidelines, all vegetables (except for pickled products and acidified tomatoes) […]