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Lacto Fermented Carrots

Prep Time5 days


  • 2 quart jars (1) for carrots and (1) for mixing up brine. You could use a liquid measuring cup or other container for brine.


  • 1 pound carrots, peeled and cut into sticks optionally, you can slice into rounds
  • 2 Tbs non-iodized, quality salt
  • 4 cups filtered water you will have leftover brine; store in refrigerator
  • 1 sprig fresh dill (optional)
  • 3 cloves peeled garlic (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper (optional)


  • If you are using the optional dill, garlic, and crushed red pepper, add these to the bottom of your clean, sterilized jar. Then start stuffing the jar with your carrot sticks. Stack them in vertically, fitting as many carrots into the jar as you can, leaving 1 inch headspace in the jar.
  • To make the brine, add the 2 Tbs. salt into your second quart jar, then fill to the neck of the jar with lukewarm water. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon until the salt is dissolved.
  • Pour brine over the carrots, leaving 1 inch headspace.
  • Place your fermentation weight on top of carrots, pushing them down and keeping them submerged.
  • Place your air lock on top of the jar and affix with a canning ring.
  • Set aside for at least 5 days; check taste. If you want them to be stronger, allow to sit for an additional 1-2 days and check again. Once your fermented carrots are as strong as you'd like them, remove the fermentation weight and air lock and replace with canning lid and band. Store in the refrigerator.